You can email us at klpamailbox@gmail.com, but please note that everyone working for the KLPA is a volunteer so it may take a few days for us to get back to you.
Although it is not run by the KLPA, there is also a Facebook group for Ladies’ Pond swimmers.
Media enquiries should be addressed to klpapresscontact@gmail.com but please note that this email address is monitored by volunteers and it may take up to 48 hours for you to receive a response. For general information about the KLPA please read About the KLPA and swimming at the Ladies’ Pond. Management of the Ladies’ Pond is the responsibility of the City of London who may be contacted at HH-swimming@cityoflondon.
Membership Privacy Notice
IMPORTANT: By providing us with information you agree to the KLPA storing your details and contacting you when we have information to communicate. We will NOT share your data with any other organization or individual other than to carry out our core functions, for which we currently use the following external services: MemberMojo to administer your membership details, and Mailchimp to send communications to you by email.