The stormy weather today has forced closure of the Men’s Pond as well as the Ladies’. The Lido remains open.
The stormy weather today has forced closure of the Men’s Pond as well as the Ladies’. The Lido remains open.
Lifeguard Jane Smith invites KLPA members to visit the pond on Friday 14 February at 07.30 for a silent swim and shared quiet breakfast to celebrate ‘Love the Pond Day’ . Please bring with you silence and some of your favourite things to eat, to share a meditative mid-winter moment.
Morning swimmers who would rather avoid the event are encouraged to swim between 07.00 and 07.30 or after 08.45.
Due to the warning of high winds the Ladies’ Pond will be closed on Sunday 9 February. Women are welcome to swim at the Men’s Pond providing it remains open (it doesn’t have the same problem with overhanging trees). Many thanks to the swimmers and lifeguards there for accommodating us.
We hope that the weather and opening will be back to normal by Monday.