The Consultative Committee decided almost unanimously to reject the City’s recommended Option 3 (payment enforced by Rangers at all times) in favour of Option 2 (payment encouraged by Rangers staffing the ponds on busy days). There was also a strong sense from the committee that charges should be frozen until 2021 while Option 2 is trialled and the City introduces clear signage and a variety of options for making payment easily. The aim would be to monitor the effectiveness of Option 2 in generating increased revenue to meet rising costs.
This is not a final decision. The recommendations now go forward to the Hampstead Heath Management Committee meeting at the Guildhall on Wednesday 11 March for their decision. If you can, please join us for a further demonstration of swimmers’ feelings outside the Guildhall at 3.00pm on Wednesday.
You can download a copy of our submission to the Consultative Committee here (this will also go to the Management Committee).