The Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Management Committee is meeting virtually on Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 4 pm. The public gallery can be accessed online here. The full agenda pack with supporting documentation can be downloaded here.
Items of particular interest to KLPA members include:
- Item 10 (Appendix 8) – Proposed Terms of Reference for The Sports & Wellbeing Advisory Forum here. This was discussed at the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee on 19 April 2021 (here). They expressed concerns about the size and unclear remit of the new body and it being chaired by the same person who chairs both the Management Committee and Consultative Committee, rather than by a lay member like the current Sports Advisory Forum. Will the Management Committee consider these issues?
- Item 11 – Hampstead Heath Bathing Pond and Lido Annual Report 2020-21 here. This includes reference to free swimming for under 16s and over 60s to remain before 9.30 am and the very limited progress towards a “Support Scheme”, which still appears to be at the talking stage. There is also a brief mention of the letter before action sent by Leigh Day Solicitors on behalf of the KLPA.
With reference to the final point, the KLPA has recently launched a crowdfunding page with Crowd Justice and needs in the first instance to raise £5000 before the fundraising can go further. This is to launch a Judicial Review against the charging regime at the bathing ponds, based on indirect disability discrimination. Thank you to all the generous people who have donated so far. If you have not yet done so and you are able to make a donation, please do so by by clicking the donate button below:
If you have already donated, you can still help by spreading the word, via email, social media and, of course, word of mouth. Please help us to get to our initial target of £5000. The link to share is https://www.crowdjustice.com/case/fighting-discriminatory-charges-to-swim/