The Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee meets again after nearly 5 months, at 5.30 pm on Monday 6 September 2021. This meeting will have a virtual public gallery which can be viewed here. The full agenda pack, which is significantly shorter than usual, can be downloaded here. Items of note include the arrangements for the winter swimming season (page 30) and the continued intention to consider proposals for contactless payment to access Heath toilets (page 50). Draft guidance on the use of drones on the Heath is contained at pages 33-35.
The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee is at 4pm on Wednesday 29 September 2021. Details of the agenda pack are not yet available but should be uploaded here later in September.
The KLPA is continuing to fundraise to support legal action against the City of London Corporation, challenging the discriminatory charging regime at the bathing ponds. The application for Judicial Review has permission to proceed. Details of our crowdfunding page are here. For quick access we have created a QR Code which you can use to encourage friends, colleagues and relatives to donate:

Thank you for your continued support.