The KLPA will hold its monthly merchandise stall at the Ladies’ Pond, on Sunday 30 October 2022 from 9 am to 11 am.
We have fluorescent knitted hats in bright colours (pink, orange and yellow) for just £10 each. Seasonal KLPA mugs, designed by pond swimmer Sue Hellard, are available for £10 each or can be bought in sets of 4 for £35. The knitted hats and mugs can also be bought in mix and match sets of 4 for £35.
The Wild Swimming Walks book is available at the discounted price of £10. Silicon hats are still available for just £5 (yellow, green and pink).
As the mornings get darker, our bright coloured hats help with visibility for the lifeguards. The hats, books and mugs are also popular as presents.
Help to support the work of the KLPA and join us at the merchandise stall on 30 October 2022. We aim to keep our merchandise prices affordable so that they are accessible to as many swimmers as possible, and they all have a practical use.
You can pay with cash, cheque or by card payment. Thank you for your continued support.

Please send in your newsletter items by Sunday 30 October 2022. Do you have an interesting new swimming place which you have discovered? Have you been involved in any campaigns for access to clean swimming places? Would you like to share your swimming themed poems or artworks? Please send your items, ready for publication, to klpamailbox@gmail.com.
Please note that the closing time at the Ladies’ Pond changes with effect from 30 October 2022 (last swim 2 pm, vacate water 2.15 pm, closed at 2.30 pm). Full details are available here.