At this time of year, we would usually be encouraging members to turn up for a shared breakfast in spooky costumes. KLPA social events often attract large numbers of swimmers socialising and eating together. This year, alas, that is not possible due to Coronavirus restrictions, but you can still mark the occasion on Saturday 31 October 2020.
If you would like to take part, come in your Hallowe’en themed swimwear throughout the day from 7am until 2pm. The usual safe distancing rules and maximum swimmer number (60) will still apply.
From 9am to midday on 31 October 2020, the KLPA will be selling bright knitted hats for early morning swims (£6 each, or £10 including a donation) and mugs designed by pond swimmer Sue Hellard (£10 each, or two for £15). Please bring the correct money as we will not be handling change. These items will be sold in the bike park area to allow extra space for anyone queuing to make their purchases.
We have, unfortunately, received several reports recently of verbal abuse towards lifeguards at the Ladies’ Pond. KLPA members are asked to help set a good example to all other swimmers by showing courtesy and consideration. It has been a difficult year for everyone. Whatever tensions there have been this year, with the new charging regime and restrictions on swimmer numbers, the lifeguards and other frontline Heath staff have been doing an amazing job and deserve our support.
The casual lifeguards employed through the summer months will soon be finishing their contracts, and any KLPA member who wishes to show her appreciation with a card, gift or word of thanks would be welcome to do so. Full time lifeguards remain in post all year.
Please remember that photography and filming are generally not permitted at the Ladies’ Pond, unless express permission has been granted by the City of London. Please respect the peace and privacy of other swimmers and refrain from taking photos or videos whilst at the pond. Many other swimmers do not want to appear unwittingly on others’ social media feeds.