Our friends from the Highgate Men’s Pond Association have invited KLPA members to a swim and breakfast event at the Men’s Pond on Saturday 9 April 2022, from 8 am to 11 am.
Hot drinks and croissants will be provided, along with the company of our friends from the Men’s Pond. The invitation has also been extended to the Mixed Pond Association, Hampstead Heath Winter Swimming Club and Parliament Hill Lido swimmers.
In order to access the Men’s Pond it will be necessary to use your season ticket wristband or to pay at the entrance, as you would at the Ladies’ Pond. The changing area at the Men’s Pond is no longer divided into two sections but gazebos have been provided to facilitate changing for Ladies’ Pond visitors (a large towel might also come in useful).
Children over 8 who have completed their swim test (and have a wristband to prove it) will also be welcome, and will need to be supervised by their adult when at the pond.
If this is not enough excitement for one weekend, the KLPA will be holding a merchandise sale at the Ladies’ Pond on Sunday 10 April 2022, 9-11 am. Knitted hats (including a new pink edition), seasonal mugs and Wild Swimming Walks books will be on sale for £10 each (hats and mugs can be bought in sets of 4, including mix and match combinations, for £35). Silicon hats are still available for £5. Payment can be taken by cash or card.

Please remember to renew your membership if you pay annually, as this is now due for renewal for 2022. You can do so here with MemberMojo, and details of life membership options are also available.