Grantchester Meadows
On 4 July 2021 the KLPA emailed members with details of a campaign in Cambridge to defend access to open water swimming at Grantchester Meadows, pictured above. King’s College Cambridge, which owns the land next to the River Cam, had put up signs forbidding swimming and other activities. This stretch of the river has been used for swimming for centuries and became even more important during the lockdowns of 2020-2021.
A local campaign which included a petition and generation of national press coverage has seen a partial climb-down by King’s College. The college is reviewing its legal advice and has stated it will not take action against “responsible” swimmers. Details can be seen in this article (Observer 11 July 2021), which also explores tensions between “town and gown” as well as exclusion and privilege in what is believed to be the UK’s most unequal city.
Legal Action Against the City of London Corporation
Our own campaigning on fair access to the Hampstead Heath bathing ponds continues to generate press interest, for example here (Camden New Journal 8 July 2021). This report concerns the legal action being taken, supported by Leigh Day Solicitors, which focuses on disability discrimination. Our crowd funding page is still open here.
Meetings with the City of London Corporation
On 5 July 2021, the first meeting of the Heath’s new Sports & Wellbeing Advisory Forum took place. This body replaces the former Sports Advisory Forum as well as other groups like the Swimming Forum, and it is chaired by Anne Fairweather (who also chairs the Heath Management Committee and Consultative Committee). Each bathing pond has one representative. Ruth Hallgarten (KLPA Chair) attended from the Ladies’ Pond. The full recording of the meeting can be seen here. We note with disappointment little practical progress on implementing a support scheme, e.g. through “social prescribing”, to improve access to the bathing ponds, has happened. There is also no tangible evidence so far that the limited efforts will extend beyond Camden residents. There has been a great deal of talk about these proposals but concrete results are yet to be seen at the bathing ponds.
We are awaiting further details from the City of London Corporation about arrangements for access to the bathing ponds from 19 July 2021, when many of the national restrictions related to the Coronavirus pandemic are due to be lifted in England.
KLPA Committee members continue to attend meetings with the operational managers on Hampstead Heath to address practical day-to-day matters at the bathing ponds, and to raise the concerns which members have brought to our attention.