Last year we consulted KLPA members through two surveys (here and here) about proposed adaptations to the changing rooms to improve accessibility. This feedback was shared with the City of London Corporation. Their planning application, registered on 11 July 2022, also included works to the back fence and construction of a “stewards’ hut” along the entrance path, as well as work at the other bathing ponds. Planning consent was granted by Camden Council on 26 September 2022 without a full planning committee meeting taking place.
The City’s tendering process has taken longer than expected, due to an initial lack of interest from potential contractors and increasing construction costs. The City is now almost at the stage of appointing a contractor and the following tentative timings have been discussed with the KLPA (please note these dates may still change).
At the Ladies’ Pond work is expected to start around 20 March 2023 and continue for 6 weeks, until the end of April 2023. The City is planning to keep the Ladies’ Pond open during these works, although there will be some disruption:
- The main WC block will not be available and temporary toilets are to be installed, probably inside the entrance to the large meadow.
- The outside shower and internal changing rooms should remain available.
- Contractors are expected to be on-site from 8am each day, and will be accessing their work area in the current accessible WC via a walkway which will be screened at the sides.
- We have been assured by the City that the large and small meadows will remain available for changing and that privacy will be maintained for swimmers.
- We are trying to ensure that there will be one hour in the morning (7am-8 am) when no contractors will be on-site so that the women-only environment will be maintained during that time slot.
The information above is at present tentative, and may be subject to change, as the City has not yet confirmed the appointment of a contractor. Once contracts are signed there will be a design and mobilisation period of up to 6 weeks before work can commence anywhere on the Heath.
When we have further information about the time frame and arrangements during the works, members will be notified. If you have any questions about the details of the construction project itself, please contact HH-Swimming@cityoflondon.gov.uk.