We are writing to let you know about the swimming arrangements at the Ladies’ Pond and Men’s Pond on Christmas Day. Both ponds will close earlier than normal, as is the usual practice, in order to allow lifeguards to get away home on Christmas Day:
Ladies’ Pond
- Open at 7.30 am
- Last entry into water 11.15 am
- Vacate Water 11.30 am
- Ladies’ Pond closed for day from midday
Men’s Pond
- Open 7.30 am
- Last entry into water 10.15 am
- Vacate water 10.30 am
- Includes mixed dip for men and women 8.30 am to 10.30 am
- Pond will then close to the public so that the Lifebuoys race can take place at 11 am.
- No other races will take place at the Men’s Pond this year.
We are currently discussing with the City of London options for an event on New Year’s Day at the Ladies’ Pond, and will update members accordingly.
Please join us in thanking the lifeguards for their hard work throughout 2022, and assist them in being able to close on time on Christmas Day.
Recent press coverage of hypothermia incidents at Parliament Hill Lido; swimmers advised to shorten their time in the water as temperatures drop:
BBC London
Camden New Journal
Ham and High
Please enjoy your swim, heed the lifeguards’ advice and look out for your fellow swimmers.