After five weeks of consultation with swimmers, the City of London finally announced its proposals for future management of the ponds at the Hampstead Heath Sports Advisory Forum meeting on Monday 24 February.
A summary of the proposals is set out below and these, together with our response to them, will be discussed at the meeting for members of pond user groups (KLPA, HMPA, MPA, Lifebuoys and USA) on Wednesday 26 February at Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, N7 6PA from 6.30-8.30pm. Please note that these are the City’s recommendations to the Hampstead Heath committees and not a decision.
Following its recent consultation with Hampstead Heath swimming groups, the City of London has identified five options for a ‘charging model’ to be implemented at the swimming ponds from 2 May 2020. These will be put forward to the meeting of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee on 9 March 2020 for discussion before the HHCC makes its recommendations to the Hampstead Heath Management Committee which meets on 11 March to decide on next steps. Where appropriate we have added annotations in bracketed italics to indicate what we (the swimmers) understand the City of London to intend.
Option 1 – Maintain the existing ‘self-policing’ charges
A ‘self-policing’ charge would continue to be operated at the bathing ponds to collect the approved charges (see notes below) and meet the agreed level of subsidy (see notes below).
Option 2 – Adopt ‘applied’ charges – supported by Heath Rangers
Collect the approved charges from 2 May 2020 to meet the agreed level of subsidy. It is proposed that charges would be applicable at the point of entry for the bathing ponds. Heath Rangers would support the culture of payment at the ponds [and occasionally attend the ponds], this builds on the existing practice at the Mixed Pond during the summer season. [Non-payers would not be excluded.]
Option 3 – Adopt ‘applied’ charges – managed by Heath Rangers
Collect the approved charges from 2 May 2020 to meet the agreed level of subsidy. It is proposed that charges would be applicable at the point of entry for the bathing ponds. Heath Rangers will oversee and ensure payment. [Non-payers would be excluded.]
Option 4 – Adopt ‘applied’ charges – managed using a gate entry system
Collect the approved charges from 2 May 2020 to meet the agreed level of subsidy. It is proposed that charges will be applicable at the point of entry and managed using a [locked] gate entry system to ensure payment. This option would require Capital Investment and implementation would need to be phased. [Heath Rangers would still be on duty; non-payers would be excluded.]
Option 5 – Reduce the swimming offer to reduce expenditure
Introduce a morning ‘members only’ swimming club to reduce Lifeguard hours in the winter. Applying annualised hours to the Lifeguards’ work arrangements and reducing the number of swimming hours to align with the agreed subsidy and income from charges.
[N.B. For Options 3 and 4 a City of London administered ‘hardship fund’ is proposed for swimmers who cannot afford a season ticket.]
City of London officers recommend Option 3. They say: ‘This option establishes clear and fair arrangements to collect the agreed charges, in-line with the Hampstead Heath Swimming Regulations. The current self-policing model has not proved an effective mechanism to collect the approved charges. However, recognising the unique environments of the Bathing Ponds, this option to collect the approved charges without installing significant infrastructure should be trialled in the first instance. The City of London welcomes the opportunity to continue to collaborate with the Swimming Associations to establish a culture of payment to meet the agreed level of subsidy.’
City of London also say: ‘The Swimming Associations have robustly indicated their support for Option 1 and that the City of London implement an effective payment collection system based on voluntary contributions. In support of this approach the Associations have indicated their willingness to promote a culture of payment at the Ponds and to encourage the purchase of Season Tickets.’
Approved charges: The City of London has proposed a range of options for charging from 2 May 2020 and recommends:
Adult day ticket: £4.00 (100% increase)
Concession day ticket: £2.40 (140% increase)
Season ticket (existing and new): frozen at current rates until April 2021
Free morning swims until 9.30am for over 60s and under 16s.
The City of London proposal is based on projected expenditure of £1,061,000 on the ponds in 2020/21. At these rates they expect to generate income of £618,000 and provide a subsidy from City of London of £443,000 (42%).
Agreed subsidy: Based on the charges suggested above, the City of London is recommending an agreed subsidy of £443,000 (42%) for 2020/21. With current rates of swimmer payment and charges remaining at £67,000 their subsidy of the projected costs of £1,061,000 would amount to £994,000 (94%).