To get a sense of the history of the the City of London Corporation’s past dealings with Heath swimmers, we recommend watching City Swimmers, a film directed by swimmer and KLPA life member Margaret Dickinson.
In 2005 the KLPA went into battle with the City of London when there was an attempt to close the Mixed Pond entirely and impose entrance charges at the remaining two bathing ponds. An earlier generation of KLPA members campaigned to stop this happening and they are our inspiration now in 2020. A vigorous campaign by those swimmers succeeded in keeping all the ponds open but, in spite of opposition, the Corporation did introduce charges in 2005, with assurances that they would remain modest and be lightly enforced.
This balance was destroyed earlier this year. In March 2020, the unprecedented decision of the Hampstead Heath Management Committee to disregard the recommendation of its own Consultative Committee and introduce strictly enforced charges at double the previous rate launched a new era of controversy and protest. A summary of the recent background can be read here.
Details of our campaign to oppose the most recent charging decisions can be seen here and recent news items can be found by scrolling down here.
We hope you will watch this film and be inspired by the women who saw off the threats posed by the City of London Corporation in 2005.