The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee takes place on Monday 19 April 2021 at 5.30 pm. This meeting can be viewed on line here.
The full agenda pack can be downloaded here. Items of particular interest are:
- Item 5 and items 7c to 7d – minutes of the Sports Advisory Forum and feedback on the proposed Terms of Reference for a new Sports & Wellbeing Advisory Forum with which to replace this forum.
- The Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee agenda pack omits detailed feedback on the above item provided by the KLPA on 22 March 2020 which can be seen here.
- Items 7f and 7g cover The City of London Corporation’s review of the 2020/21 swimming season and feedback from the swimming associations including the KLPA.
- The KLPA response has been partly redacted in the published committee papers in respect the costs of the first disastrous online booking platform used last year. For the record it cost £4,134 and was scrapped after a few days; that money would have paid for over 1,700 concessionary swims at £2.40 last summer.
The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee will be on Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 4 pm and in due course details will be available here.
Recent press coverage concerning the re-opening of the ponds and restrictive access can be seen here in the 1 April 2021 edition of the Camden New Journal.
The 15 April 2021 letters page of Ham & High includes further correspondence challenging the figures used by the City of London in March 2020 to justify inflated and enforced swimming charges.