In recent years the discharge of raw sewage into Britain’s waterways has led to widespread campaigning and protests. Our own local water company Thames Water is regarded as a prominent polluter. It has received extensive media coverage, including accounts of fines for dumping raw sewage into the River Thames and other regular discharges into tributaries such as the River Lea (more here). The Ladies’ Pond itself has also been affected by contamination incidents from a nearby Thames Water damaged sewer in recent years.
On 23 April 2022, campaign group Surfers Against Sewage is holding a series of protests around the country to call for an end to “permitted” sewage pollution by the UK water companies. This includes a protest in London, by the side of the River Thames at the Embankment. This will take place from 1 pm and further event details can be seen here (this Facebook page is visible to non-Facebook-users).
Cleaner seas, wetlands and rivers will mean more places that are safe for swimming, but this is also essential for the continued survival of the plants and animals which depend on those habitats. More information about the campaign work of Surfers Against Sewage can be seen here.

If you pay for annual membership, and have not done so yet, please renew by the end of April 2022. We will be updating our mailing list after this date and anyone who has not paid will be removed from the list. We update the mailing list annually to ensure that we meet data protection requirements too.
- Receive news about the KLPA’s campaigning work to restore and maintain inclusivity at the bathing ponds.
- Find out about unexpected closures of the pond e.g. bad weather.
- Get regular updates about KLPA social events.
- Receive news about other relevant campaigns and activities which may interest you e.g. local planning applications affecting Millfield Lane, or campaigns about access to open water swimming and the reduction of water pollution.
- Have regular opportunities to feed back to the KLPA with your views on issues which affect the Ladies’ Pond, to inform our discussions with the City of London Corporation.
- Get regular updates about the activities of the KLPA Committee and receive information about how you can become more involved.
- Find out about KLPA merchandise and where to buy it.
Annual membership is still just £5 and there are also life membership options. KLPA membership is separate to the charges to swim which are levied by the City of London Corporation. To renew your membership please go to our website and click “join us”.