The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee takes place on 19 October 2020 at 5.30 pm and can be viewed online here.
The full public agenda pack can be downloaded here. Items up for discussion include: –
– Report on the 2020 summer swimming season including survey report.
– Report on the 2020-2021 winter season swimming arrangements.
-Draft Hampstead Heath Ponds and Wetlands Plan.
-Revised tender programme for Heath cafés.
-Use of Fixed Penalty Notices.
-Code of Conduct for dog walkers/licencing of professional dog walkers.
-Proposed celebrations for 150th anniversary of the 1871 Hampstead Heath Act (yes, really!).
This committee advises the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Management Committee in its decision making about the running of Hampstead Heath, but it was ignored earlier this year during the process of imposing increased swimming charges. Both committees may now be at risk of abolition following a report on the governance of the City of London Corporation by Lord Lisvane (here). It is feared this will make the management of Hampstead Heath even more remote and undemocratic than it is now.
Local press coverage of this proposal can be seen here in the Camden New Journal and here in Ham & High.
We have been asked by the Lifeguard team to remind swimmers to observe the safe-distancing measures at the Ladies’ Pond (when it re-opens). Please:– Do not arrive at the gate in groups of more than six. Do not crowd in under the gazebos in breach of safe-distancing requirements (more gazebos and benches are being sourced). Respect others’ space and do not place your belongings on top of theirs. Dispose of any rubbish in the correct place or take it home with you. Following safe-distancing rules will help keep the Pond open this winter. |