There is one more opportunity to purchase KLPA mugs, hats and books before Christmas, on Sunday 18 December 2022 between 9 and 11 am.
Mugs and knitted hats are £10 each or can be bought in sets of four for £35 (including mix and match). The Wild Swimming Walks book is available at the reduced price of £10, instead of the retail price of £14.99. We still have a limited number of silicon hats for £5.
This will be the last stall of 2022, so please do come along if you still have some last minute presents to buy.
Unfortunately it has not been possible to co-ordinate an organised event for New Year’s Day this year. We are now unable to operate, as in pre-pandemic years, from the rear window of the lifeguards’ office, which causes difficulties with keeping an urn boiling and topped up in a safe location. There are not enough committee members available on the day to operate safely from the more recently used location near to the stewards’ hut.
We hope to be able to organise an alternative event early in 2023. In the meantime if you do swim on New Year’s Day, we hope you have a very enjoyable visit to the pond and urge all members to share good wishes with the lifeguards for 2023.
The KLPA would like to wish all members a peaceful end to 2022 and a Happy New Year for 2023.