We have received the announcement below from the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath, Bob Warnock. If you have any comments on the content or the utility of the booking arrangements (including the offline booking arrangements), please remember to send those comments directly to the City of London (copied to klpamailbox@gmail.com) using the following details:
Thank you for your feedback at the Swimming Forum meeting on Tuesday evening. Following a review after the meeting and taking account of the feedback we have received during the test events; we have put new online booking arrangements in place. We believe the new system is more user friendly, resilient and addresses the majority of the concerns raised by swimmers.
Therefore, I can confirm that from Saturday 18 July the Bathing Ponds and the Parliament Hill Fields Lido will reopen. Swimming session tickets will be available for purchase at 11am on Friday 17 July at www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/hampsteadheathswimming
- Swimmers will be able to book a Session seven days in advance
- Tickets will go live at 11am on Friday 17 July and more tickets will be released at midday each day and will be available for purchase until 15 minutes before the session starts (pending availability)
- Each individual swimmer will only be able to book a maximum of three swims in seven days and measures are in place to prevent abuse of the booking system.
- Nobody under the age of 16 is permitted to swim in the Bathing Ponds at this time but there will be family sessions available at the Lido.
There is a phone booking system available for those with additional access requirements or who cannot book online or via the smartphone app. If you know of anyone who requires this service, please ask them to speak to the lifeguards or to email HH-swimming@cityoflondon.gov.uk and we will provide further information to assist them with making their bookings.
Bob Warnock
Superintendent of Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood, Keats House and Queen’s Park