On 3 April 2021 we sent out an email detailing how the Annual General Meeting would be conducted this year due to the continuing Coronavirus restrictions.  An Annual Report which was circulated is attached again here. Members are reminded of the following deadlines:

  • If you have any questions about the contents of the reports, please email with your questions by 5pm on 17 April 2021. A collective response to any questions received will follow in our second mailout to members by 23 April 2021.
  • If you wish to stand for the KLPA Committee please return a completed nomination form (signed by two current KLPA members nominating you) by5 pm on 17 April 2021 to  If you cannot access a printer or scanner, then a chain of emails from the two current KLPA members nominating you will also suffice, forwarded to
  • Please remember to renew your KLPA membership by 30 April 2021. Subscription rates and details of how to do this are on the membership form at page 12 of the report, which should be sent to Please let us know if paying your subscription is going to present difficulties for you at present by emailing

Once questions and nominations have been received, there will be a further mailout, by 23 April 2021, responding to those questions and including an e-ballot for members to vote on the following:

  • Minutes of the 2020 AGM
  • Approval of the 2021 Chair’s Report
  • Approval of 2020/21 Accounts
  • Any contested positions on the KLPA Committee

Election Results will be declared by 3 May 2021.

On Saturday 17 April 2021, between 10 a.m. and midday, KLPA mugs designed by Sue Hellard, will be on sale at the Ladies’ Pond in the bike park. These are £8 each or two for £15. The KLPA book Wild Swimming Walks will also be on sale for £10. Please bring cash (exact money) or a cheque (payable to KLPA).

KLPA members are also reminded that there is free access to the upper meadow for non-swimming women and girls, which the KLPA has negotiated with the City of London.  This is subject to the overall limits on the numbers of people permitted at the Ladies’ Pond under the Covid-secure measures.


Here are the arrangements for Spring and Summer access 2021:

“Capped Free Flow” access will be in place until 30 April 2021, which means that you will not have to make an advanced booking online in this time.  If the pond becomes full to the current capacity of 60 people, there will be a one-in-one-out procedure in place. 

Opening times at the Ladies’ Pond will be as follows:

29 March -11 April7am4pm4.15pm4.30pm
12 – 30 April 7am6pm6.15pm6.30pm

From 1 May 2021 there will be a mixture of “Capped Free Flow” and advanced booking.  We are waiting for more details of the online booking platform to be used, which is expected to be Eventbrite.  We hope to see the telephone booking line reinstated for those who do not have internet access or find the online booking system difficult to use (last year the number was 020 7332 3779).

The new prices for day tickets and season tickets will apply from 1 April 2021.  There will be free access for those with 60+ season ticket wristbands until 9.30 am but for now those under 16 are not permitted access at all to the bathing ponds.

Day tickets will go up to £4.05 (or £2.43 concession).  Cash payment is still being accepted but no change given, so this is not being made easy for those without access to contactless payment, or who prefer not to use it.

Existing season tickets have been extended by 83 days to reflect the lockdown period.  If you intend to buy a new season ticket (or renewal is still due on your old season ticket) the old prices will apply until 31 March 2021, so you might wish to take advantage of that window before the price increases apply.  This is especially relevant for holders of ponds-only concession season tickets who face inflation busting price rises on 1 April 2021.

The City of London has published a review of the 2020/2021 swimming season including its implementation of enforced charging to access the bathing ponds. The document can be seen here and also has a brief reference to this year’s arrangements. If you wish to comment directly on this review please send your comments by 31 March 2021 to:

Please copy your response to

For those who can afford to swim, and can navigate the booking system likely to be in place from 1 May 2021, we hope you enjoy your swims.  For those who are now excluded, we will continue to campaign on your behalf as the Heath belongs to all Londoners.


On 29 March 2021 the Hampstead Heath bathing ponds and Parliament Hill Lido are due to re-open under Covid-secure arrangements.

Whilst we have no issue with keeping staff and swimmers safe through safe-distancing measures and limited numbers, there is a significant disparity. We cannot see how this can be explained through logic and the City of London Corporation has failed to provide a rationale when asked.

This concerns “Capped Free Flow” entry. At the ponds and at the Lido, the earliest session each day will not require pre-booking. Later sessions, which are also time limited, will require online pre-booking (phone line arrangements have yet to be confirmed). At the bathing ponds, capped free flow will only be available until 10 am from 29 March to 20 September 2021. However, at the Lido this will be available until 1pm up to 30 April 2021 – a month later – before reverting to 10am from 1 May 2021. Overall there will be a disparity of 297 hours of capped free flow access between the bathing ponds and the Lido (3 hours x 3 ponds x 33 days).

Further details of these arrangements can be found here. Details of the new charges can be seen at pages 7-8 here, and will apply from re-opening on 29 March 2021.

If you are concerned about the differences in access arrangements for the Lido and bathing ponds, you can contact the City of London Corporation using the email addresses below. You may wish to ask for parity between the bathing ponds and the Lido for capped free flow hours, and for this to be put in place in time for re-opening on 29 March 2021. If the proposed differences in access arrangements will have a specific impact on you, please include this too:

Please copy your email to


On Monday 22 February 2021, the Prime Minister announced a “road map” out of the third national lockdown , setting out the stages by which the economy and wider society would be permitted to reopen. On 29 March 2021, and subject to continuing improvements in Covid-19 infection rates, organised outdoor sports activities including swimming can resume. 

This will allow the Hampstead Heath bathing ponds and the Parliament Hill Lido to reopen under Covid-secure arrangements. There will be a mixture of “capped free flow” sessions to a maximum capacity and online pre-booked sessions at the bathing ponds and Lido.  When we have further details about the booking platform which will be used in 2021, this information will be forwarded to KLPA members. The City of London Corporation’s draft plan for reopening can be seen here. This plan was approved at the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee which met virtually on 24 February 2021 (recording here).

At that meeting the proposed swimming charges for 2021/22 were also debated, at length.  Whilst most charges were to go up by the November 2020 RPI inflation rate, the concession season tickets for the ponds would go up by 21% (6 months) and 15% (12 months) respectively. Several committee members challenged these particular increases, which would most affect the swimmers least able to pay.  Despite compelling arguments from some committee members, including Ruby Sayed and William Upton, the increases to pond concession season tickets were approved by 9 votes to 5. 

Surprisingly, former Management Committee Chair, Karina Dostalova, also voted against these particular increases. The current Committee Chair, Anne Fairweather, had received correspondence before the meeting about the concession season ticket price increases from local MP, Catherine West (also Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Swimming) and from the KLPA. This did not stop Ms Fairweather enthusiastically supporting the increases to the concession season ticket prices.

We will provide further details of the reopening arrangements when these become available.


On 24 February 2021 at 4 pm the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee will meet virtually. The meeting can be viewed here and the full agenda pack for the meeting can be seen here.

The proposed swimming charges for 2021 are in this paper, with most charges increased by the higher RPI inflation rate, except for concession season tickets at the ponds. These are proposed to increase by 21% (6 months) and 15% (12 months). The City of London Corporation is again “levelling up” by increasing concession charges by a much greater percentage than those for full price tickets. Despite feedback from the KLPA they are still refusing to introduce a monthly direct debit for season tickets, to spread the cost.

The proposed re-opening plans for the ponds and Lido are set out here, based on a tentative re-opening date of 29 March 2021, subject to lifting of lockdown restrictions. This will see a return to mostly pre-booked swimming sessions. The City of London has not yet publicised details of a telephone booking line that is promised for those without internet access, but we will share this number when we find out what it is.

Despite recent denials in Ham & High, the City’s Draft Divisional Plan still includes reference to future charging for the use of toilets based on contactless payment (last page).

Recent coverage of the City of London Corporation’s spending priorities, including wining and dining can be seen in the Camden New Journal.

We have been contacted again by the East London Waterworks Park campaign group.  They are now raising funds to develop their plan for an environmental project in Waltham Forest at a former waterworks, including the development of an open water swimming venue.  Details of the Campaign can be found here, and their fundraising page is here.


Last March the KLPA just managed to hold the 2020 AGM ten days before the country entered its first national lockdown.  It was important that we met then to consider the news of the City of London’s 2020 decision to enforce its new inflated charging regime which is set to become more punitive in 2021 when the ponds can re-open.

We had hoped to be able to hold a meeting this spring, but further national lockdowns happened and some Coronavirus restrictions are likely to be in place at least until the summer. We are also mindful that many members will remain cautious about crowded gatherings for some time to come.

It is important however that KLPA members have an opportunity to hold the association to account, to hear from officers, scrutinise the accounts, ask questions and provide feedback. It is also at the AGM that committee members are elected for the forthcoming year and this provides an opportunity for new talent to come forward.

With this in mind the committee is currently working on alternative arrangements for holding a virtual AGM, taking into account we now have over 700 members. It will need to be a manageable format whilst also ensuring accountability. We anticipate that this might be a month later than usual and may only be able to focus on core business. Later in the year we very much hope to be able to hold a meeting or event to make up for the lack of fun, food and debate which the KLPA has been renowned for in the past.

As soon as we have firmer arrangements for our AGM we will let you know.

There has again been extensive coverage of the City of London’s finances, future charging plans and overall management of Hampstead Heath in Camden New Journal (4 February 2021). The fringe benefits available to City of London “elected” members are exposed here and the letters page contains multiple items here and here.


On 25 January 2021, the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee met online (recording here). The agenda items concerning tentative plans to re-open the bathing ponds and lido from 29 March 2021 and the proposed 2021 swimming charges, were buried late in a long agenda.  These items are to be found at 1’14” and 1’52” in the recording respectively. 

Despite some comments about the inflation-busting price rises for pond concession season tickets (21% for a six-month ticket and 15% for a 12-month ticket) and access to cash payment, the overall package was accepted. This will go to the next meeting of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee on 24 February 2021 at 4pm (papers will be uploaded here as well as the online link, when they become available).

The latest developments on Heath finances and charging to swim are covered in the local press here (Ham & High 26 January 2021), here (Camden New Journal 28 January 2021) and here (Camden New Journal letters 28 January 2021).

A support scheme, the existence of which was used to justify the charging enforcement decisions in 2020, still has not happened. There is a limited list of concessions, based on a poor understanding of the benefits system or life on a low income. Ad hoc and belated approaches by the City to voluntary sector organisations in Camden will be of no assistance to the many swimmers who travel to the ponds from other boroughs (two thirds of swimmers according to our own survey, come from outside Camden).

At the Consultative Committee meeting on 25 January 2021, buried even deeper in the papers, there was reference to a feasibility study into charging to use toilets on the Heath, using contactless payment, which is also mentioned briefly in the meeting at 1′ 50″. There are no depths to which the City of London Corporation is not prepared to sink.  We know what happened when Heath toilets were closed during the first lockdown and it does not take a genius to work out what would happen if charging were to be  introduced.

If you would like to share your views on the toilet charging proposal (details are here on the last page) please contact the Chair of the Consultative and Management Committees Anne Fairweather at Please copy your email to the Heath Superintendent Bob Warnock at and


The KLPA recently sent out a survey to members and beyond, to investigate the impact, so far, of the compulsory swimming charges introduced in 2020. We asked some questions about changes in economic status over the last year, as the impact of the pandemic could not be ignored.  We also asked respondents, voluntarily, to provide information about “protected characteristics” under the Equality Act such as ethnicity or disability. This is because the KLPA and the other swimmers’ associations are continuing to investigate the potential for discrimination claims arising from the new swimming charges.

The survey results have revealed the dramatic impact of the new swimming charges and the economic distress being experienced by many swimmers. The City of London has to date failed to introduce the promised support scheme and our survey results helped to reveal the complexities of need which would need to be addressed by such a scheme. Some headline figures of interest include:

1. The new charges have affected affordability for 58.33% of respondents.

2. Of those, 24.58% said they could no longer afford to swim, and 26.49% said they could not afford the upfront cost of a season ticket. 8.83% of respondents had been helped by friends or relatives to pay for tickets.

3. Half of all respondents had seen their income decline over the last year.

4. Respondents included 29.5% who were self-employed and 18% who were retired. A total of 16.84% of respondents received either means tested benefits or Covid-19 related support payments. A further 7.83% were either not entitled to such benefits or had no recourse to public funds. 

5. Unfortunately, 34% of respondents have been prevented by the new charges from swimming with family members and there has been an impact on accessing a safe space for 35.83% of respondents.

6. A disability was declared by 11.33% of respondents.

7. Just 33.17% of respondents lived in Camden so any support scheme yet to be developed by the City of London will need to take into account swimmers coming to the ponds from further afield.

8. Only three respondents live within the Square Mile so could hold any City of London representatives “democratically” accountable.

A full summary of the results can be seen here.  We will be contacting those swimmers who provided contact details shortly.

Thank you to everyone who completed the most recent survey, it has helped us to understand better what the impact has been so far of the compulsory swimming charges.

Earlier in the week members were updated on proposed increases to swimming charges in 2021, and following an opinion poll of members about this prospect in December 2020, the KLPA has already made its objections to the price rises clear, and will continue to do so.

Last week’s edition of Ham & High (14 January 2021) was full of Hampstead Heath business.  The budget row at the City of London is reported here and here.  Former KLPA Chair Nicky Mayhew has been busy again responding to disinformation from the Chair of the Management Committee (Anne Fairweather) in the letters page.  Finally there is a report here about the Hampstead Heath Act of 1871 which has protected the Heath from private development, so far.

The Camden New Journal has just reported further on the proposed budget cuts on 21 January 2021 here.


On 18 January 2021, representatives of the swimmers’ associations attended an online Swimming Forum meeting with the City of London. This was convened at short notice without a live public gallery (a link to a recording is supposed to follow). At the meeting the City attempted to side-line any detailed discussion of the proposed 2021 price rises, which are due to be put to the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee on 25 January 2021, by taking this subject as “Any Other Business”.

The Forum did see draft proposals to re-open the ponds from 29 March 2021, if an easing of the lockdown permits. The City intends to re-introduce time limited sessions and to use online pre-booking for most of these sessions. They will exclude 8- to 15-year-olds from the ponds again. This time it will be possible to use season tickets for online bookings, so that begs the question why it was not possible last year. The City has yet to select an online booking platform for 2021.  Details of the re-opening proposals can be seem here.

Forum members still attempted to hold a robust discussion of the proposed price increases for 2021/22, within the limits of the tightly controlled agenda. These proposals will go to the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee. Details can be seen here and here. Points to note include:

  • The higher RPI inflation rate is being applied to swimming charges.
  • The under-16s free access before 9.30 am is irrelevant to the ponds as they will be banned until late September.
  • Season tickets will still be based on intrusive wristband technology, with personal data being passed to an external marketing company.
  • The unrounded session-ticket prices are based on the assumption that most swimmers will use contactless card payments (£4.05 and £2.43). This is a further example of financial exclusion at the ponds, by making cash payment more difficult.
  • No meaningful support scheme is in place and the existing concession arrangements still demonstrate ignorance of the lives of low income Londoners (many benefits excluded and no support is there for those who fall outside the benefits system).

The Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee meeting can be viewed live here on Monday 25 January 2021 at 5.30 pm.

KLPA members have recently responded to a survey on the impact of the 2020 charges and we will shortly be reporting back on the details of those findings. The coming year is set to be a further stage in exclusion at the bathing ponds.


It is 150 years since the Hampstead Heath Act of 1871 was passed in order to protect this valuable green space, close to central London, from commercialisation and development.

Since 1897 the Heath & Hampstead Society has defended the Heath against further encroachments, and in their most recent newsletter you can see an article by former KLPA Chair Nicky Mayhew here (page 22) about our recent, and entirely avoidable, battles with the City of London Corporation concerning swimming charges. The response from Anne Fairweather (current Chair of their Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee) seeks to take credit for concessions hard fought for in 2020 by the KLPA.

On 7 January 2021, the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee held an additional meeting to discuss the outline of budget cuts of 12% across the City of London Corporation for 2021/22. There was a surprisingly heated debate by committee members, objecting to the imposed budget cuts and seeking to raise their objections with the City’s Resource Allocation Sub-Committee which meets later this month. The Management Committee appeared incensed that their views might be ignored (in much the same way that they ignored the views of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee in March 2020 concerning swimming charges). The full meeting can be viewed here. Interesting contributions are seen from Ruby Sayed and Karina Dostalova (Chair of the Management Committee at the time that the Consultative Committee was over-ruled).

Currently we cannot access the part of the Heath which brings us together as an association, Kenwood Ladies’ Pond. The bathing ponds will remain closed for the foreseeable future due to the requirements of a third national lockdown to combat the Coronavirus. Our campaigning activity continues, even if constricted in scope by the terms of a national lockdown. Fair access to open spaces has become more important than ever in the last year.

If you have not already done so there is still time to complete our survey on the economic impacts of the current swimming charges here.  Please forward this link to any other swimmers you know who may have been affected by the charges.

The survey closes at midday on Sunday 17 January 2021.