This evening the Prime Minister has announced a third national lockdown in England.
The announcement means that the bathing ponds and Lido on Hampstead Heath will close with immediate effect.
We urge all KLPA members to observe the terms of this lockdown, and to avoid attempts to swim in any of the ponds on Hampstead Heath as this puts lifeguards and other Heath staff at risk.
The new variants of the Coronavirus are highly infectious. Positive tests across the UK have exceeded 50,000 for each of the last seven days. Hospitals are under extreme pressure, and this third national lockdown is intended to prevent our NHS from being overwhelmed. Please continue to support its efforts.
Many KLPA members are employed in the NHS and other essential services. Together all of our efforts matter, whether working in those essential services or remaining at home to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus.
We hope you have had as enjoyable Christmas as possible this year and that you have kept well. To those of you who have been working in essential services through the holiday period – thank you.
Earlier this month we asked members their views about continuing to campaign against the new charges at the bathing ponds, receiving a clear response that campaigning should continue. In particular there was strong opposition to any steep price rises which might occur in the next financial year. That has already been hinted at heavily by the City of London in recent committee meetings, and early in the New Year we expect to hear of their proposals for ticket prices in 2021/22.
The City of London has also indicated that it will not be consulting formally with the swimmers’ associations about those price rises, only being prepared to receive comments from us by email. Following our experiences in early 2020 we are already familiar with the City of London’s unwillingness to listen to Heath users.
In order to be prepared for this, we are asking members to complete a short survey to let us know what the impact has been of the current ticket prices. You have already made it clear that we should campaign against future price rises. Here we are gathering hard evidence of the impact so far of the ticket prices, and the economic effects of the Coronavirus pandemic on our swimming community.
This survey will run until midday on Sunday 17 January 2021 and can be completed entirely anonymously. We are requesting specific information about financial impacts and at the end there is an option to provide contact details if you are willing to discuss your response further. The survey also includes questions about equality and diversity to help us to assess the impact across the wider swimming community, and potential examples of discrimination occurring.
We will be sharing this survey link with the other swimmers’ associations and beyond. Please feel free to forward this link to any swimmers who you think might be interested, including those who no longer feel able to use the ponds due to the new charges.
We were all relieved to hear that the bathing ponds could stay open under the Coronavirus Tier 4 restrictions in London and we all share responsibility for complying with the safe distancing and hygiene measures in place so they can remain open.
We have been contacted today by Hampstead Heath operational managers addressing the following issues which have a direct impact on front line staff:
Please do not arrive at the entrance of the Ladies’ Pond in groups and please do not crowd around the steward’s booth.
Each swimmer must wear a mask whilst queuing to enter and whilst at the steward’s booth. This is a new requirement.
Each swimmer should maintain a safe distance of at least two metres from all staff members and other swimmers at all times.
Please use the hand sanitisers made available.
Each gazebo has a maximum capacity for the number of swimmers changing there – you must adhere to these numbers.
The City of London has specific responsibilities to its staff on the Heath, under the Health & Safety at Work Act and its supporting regulations, as well as a general duty of care to the public. If the procedures set out above are not adhered to, or infection rates continue to grow, the following may happen:
Removal of the changing gazebos.
Reduction of the maximum capacity from 60 to 30 swimmers.
Closure of the Ladies’ Pond (and all of the swimming places on the Heath).
PLEASE help to keep the Ladies’ Pond open by following the procedures set out above. Thank you for your support.
We are happy to tell you that we have just received the following email from the Heath Superintendent: –
The Ponds will remain open for the time being. Please continue to abide by the safe distancing measures which are in place, allowing the lifeguards to work safely and ensuring that the Ponds can continue to remain open through the Tier 4 restrictions.
This year the Christmas Day arrangements at the bathing ponds, predictably, are very different to those we are used to. Due to the need to maintain Covid-secure arrangements, there will be no mass races at the Men’s Pond, with crowds cheering on the participants. This means, more positively, that the Ladies’ Pond will be open later than usual on Christmas Day as our lifeguards will not need to assist at the Men’s Pond races. There will also be a period of mixed bathing permitted at the Men’s Pond. At both ponds overall numbers will continue to be restricted to 60 swimmers each at a time.
The opening hours are as follows:
Ladies’ Pond open 7.30 am to 1.00 pm (last entry 12.15 pm)
Men’s Pond open 7.30 to 10.00 am (men only) and 10.30 to 11.30 am (mixed swimming and last entry 11.15 am)
This has been a very difficult year for everyone, with the pandemic causing health and economic distress, as well as our ongoing disagreements with the City of London over swimming charges and exclusion. Please take a moment on Christmas Day to thank the lifeguards for their continued hard work in the face of many challenges this year. They have worked through a public health crisis to keep swimming in the ponds possible.
We will not be able to hold our usual New Year’s Day festivities for 2021 either (in 2020 this attracted over 200 swimmers). When it is possible for us to meet again and celebrate the Ladies’ Pond in our usual crowded and disorderly manner, it will have been worth the wait.
On 19 December 2020 between 10 am and 12 midday, the KLPA stall will be back at the Ladies’ Pond, where you can buy KLPA mugs (designed by Sue Hellard) and the hi-viz knitted hats so essential on dark and murky mornings at the pond.
On 12 November 2020 the KLPA and Bishopsgate Institute held an online launch of the KLPA Archive, which was brought together by Sarah Saunders. Places for that event were limited so many members did not get to see the presentations from current and former KLPA activists. Those who saw the launch may also want to see these inspiring speakers in action again. Click here to see the video, and hear about the fighting spirit of the KLPA.
Speakers and times are as follows:
Sarah Saunders (Introduction by KLPA Archivist) 4’52”
Jane Shallice (Former KLPA Chair on the 2004-05 campaigns against closure of the Mixed Pond and charging) 19’30”
Nicky Mayhew (Former KLPA Chair on 2020 campaign against enforced charging) 28’49”
Ruth Hallgarten (Current KLPA Chair bringing the 2020 story up to date) 35’02”
Margaret Dickinson (Director of City Swimmers and Editor of Wild Swimming Walks) 36’48”
Janet Richardson (a wonderful personal account from a long time Ladies’ Pond Swimmer) 44’56”
Harriet Wills (KLPA Committee Member on visiting the archive and the KLPA Logo Competition) 49’03”
With thanks to Sarah Saunders and the Archive Group for all their work bringing the archive together over many years, also thanks to the Bishopsgate Institute for taking care of our archive and hosting the launch event.
The KLPA Archive is alive and growing, with an oral history project currently under development. If you would like to be involved in this and to share your memories of the Ladies’ Pond, please make contact via klpaarchive@gmail.comwith “Oral History” in the subject line. You should include your name, age, contact details and how long you have been swimming at the pond in your message.
From time to time we need to “take the temperature” from our 700+ members and so we recently sent out a succinct and focussed survey to help understand priorities for the coming year. We asked about continuing to campaign against the City of London’s charging regime now and in the future.
The results of this survey were:
Total Responses: 171 1. In favour of continuing the current campaign against charges: 81.9% 2. In favour of campaigning against future price rises and restrictions: 94.7% 3. Those who responded expressed a preference for campaigning activities such as signing a petition (26%), peaceful protest (21%) and writing to or lobbying elected representatives (16.3%).
We received 12 additional responses, either in the “other” field of question 3 or as emails sent separately. Views here included working with other swimmers’ associations and community groups (including those beyond the Heath), greater community participation in running the ponds and exploring legal challenges to the charging regime, including on grounds of discrimination .
The KLPA has been working closely with the other Heath swimmers’ associations and seeking legal advice on potential claims. The suggestion that we work with other swimmers’ groups beyond the Heath is certainly worth exploring. Please let us know if you have any useful contacts and can assist with developing those links.
Many of you over the last year have said that you object to the level of the charges and the methods of enforcement, but not in principle to those who can afford it paying a reasonable amount. This has been the line taken by the KLPA in supporting “Option 2”. We have campaigned to prevent the exclusion of those who cannot pay the new charges (details are on our website here and here).
Thank you all for your input and continued enthusiasm.
KLPA LOGO COMPETITION CLOSES 5PM ON 12 DECEMBER 2020 There is still time to enter! Details here.
KLPA MERCHANDISE The KLPA stall will be back at the pond on 19 December 2020 (10 am to midday). Come along to show your support and buy your KLPA mugs and hi-viz hats.
We have received confirmation that the Ladies’ Pond will re-open, following the end of the second national lockdown, on 2 December 2020 at 7.30 am.
Please note that the Covid-secure measures and enforced charging regime will remain in place. The later opening time, which is usual at this time of year, also means that swimmers with an under 16 or over 60 free pass will have half an hour less each morning to make use of this option.
From 2 December 2020 to 23 January 2021 opening times are as follows:
Open: 7.30 am Last entry: 2.30 pm Vacate water: 2.45 pm Vacate premises: 3.00 pm
Updated information from the City of London may be foundhereincluding advice on habituation after a month away and details of season ticket extension following the lockdown.
Please continue to follow the safe distancing measures put in place at the Ladies’ Pond, including maximum capacity, the number of swimmers permitted to change under each gazebo and at each bench, as well as queuing distances. Following these measures will help to keep the Ladies’ Pond open through the winter.
The next meeting of the Management Committee will take place on Wednesday 25 November 2020 from 4pm and can be viewed online here.
The committee papers can be accessed online hereand the full pack can be downloaded here(20MB).
Items of relevance include:
– Item 6 – Superintendent’s Update
– Item 8 – Code of Conduct for Dog Walkers & Licencing Scheme for Professional Dog Walkers
– Item 13 – 2020 Summer Swimming Season (with details of income including season ticket sales since September 2020)
– Item 15 – Income Generation
– Item 17 – Resetting of Departmental Budgets 2020/21.
– Item 21 – Non-Public Minutes of meeting on 9 September 2020 (attached here in case the City realises this is visible and removes it)
Please note that we have not yet received any information about the possibility of the Ponds re-opening after 2 December 2020. As soon as we have more information this will be on our website.
The Kenwood Ladies’ Pond Association (KLPA) was established in 1985. It has recently come to our attention that we are yet to create an official logo. Therefore, we have drawn the conclusion that it is about time we had one!
This is where we have decided to call on your creative talents and enthusiasm for all things ‘Pond’. We thought what better way to promote, reconnect and reinvigorate our community following a very challenging time than to open up this collaboration with our membership in the form of a competition.
Prize – Win a lifetime membership to the KLPA plus KLPA hats and mugs. The top five short listed designs will be made into postcards. The ten finalists will have their logos published in the next newsletter and their designs will be added to the KLPA archive to become a part of history.
Brief – We would like a logo which captures one or more of the following; the history, community, spirit, ethos or the nature at Kenwood Ladies’ Pond.
– All applicants must either be a member of KLPA or a member’s daughter/granddaughter/niece if under the age of 16. To become a member of KLPA please apply here. Annual membership is £5.
– Keep it simple so that it can be reproduced easily in different formats/locations.
– A4 in size, it can be colour but needs to be able to work in black and white.
– The design should be entirely your own work and does not use any copyrighted images.
– The winning design will become the property of the KLPA for unlimited use in the future for publicity and merchandising.
All entries must be received on or before 5pm, 12 December 2020. Please send digital copies to addressed to ‘Harriet’. Should you wish to send a hardcopy please contact me on the above email and I will provide a postal address.
Kenwood Ladies’ Pond was opened to the public in 1925 and Irmgard Schaeffer, a founding swimmer, offers an early description: ‘Our Pond was then and for a long time afterwards very private. A grass path led to a wooden plank with a couple of primitive huts for changing and a bench for clothes. There were a few moor-fowl, plenty of pike and small fry which used to terrify the women when they swam down their cleavages’.