The City of London has informed us that the Ladies’ Pond will re-open on Monday 12 October 2020 at 7 am, as water quality test results are now satisfactory.
Thank you for your patience in the meantime. The KLPA is continuing to challenge both the City of London and Thames Water about what has been happening since early September, both the (known) contamination incidents and the follow up action taken by the responsible authorities.
If you have experienced any ill-effects from these contamination incidents please inform Hampstead Heath Management via: –
The City of London have informed us that the Ladies’ Pond will remain closed over the weekend as water quality test results are still not satisfactory. As soon as we have any more news we will let KLPA members know.
The Lido will be open for Ladies’ only swimming between 1.30 – 4.30pm.
The Ladies’ Pond has now been closed twice in the space of three weeks due to water contamination incidents. The City of London is due to inform us of the findings of its own investigation and the KLPA is continuing to challenge both the City and Thames Water about what happened and their responses to these incidents.
If you have experienced any ill-effects from these contamination incidents please inform Hampstead Heath Management via:
In the Camden New Journal this week, there is a stinging rebuke for the City of London for its flawed consultation with swimmers early in 2020. This comes from the former chair of the Highgate Men’s Pond Association, Chris Piesold. The article is here and worth a read.
The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee takes place on 19 October 2020 at 5.30 pm and can be viewed online here.
The full public agenda pack can be downloaded here. Items up for discussion include: –
– Report on the 2020 summer swimming season including survey report.
– Report on the 2020-2021 winter season swimming arrangements.
-Draft Hampstead Heath Ponds and Wetlands Plan.
-Revised tender programme for Heath cafés.
-Use of Fixed Penalty Notices.
-Code of Conduct for dog walkers/licencing of professional dog walkers.
-Proposed celebrations for 150th anniversary of the 1871 Hampstead Heath Act (yes, really!).
This committee advises the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Management Committee in its decision making about the running of Hampstead Heath, but it was ignored earlier this year during the process of imposing increased swimming charges. Both committees may now be at risk of abolition following a report on the governance of the City of London Corporation by Lord Lisvane (here). It is feared this will make the management of Hampstead Heath even more remote and undemocratic than it is now.
Local press coverage of this proposal can be seen here in the Camden New Journal and here in Ham & High.
We have been asked by the Lifeguard team to remind swimmers to observe the safe-distancing measures at the Ladies’ Pond (when it re-opens).
Please:– Do not arrive at the gate in groups of more than six. Do not crowd in under the gazebos in breach of safe-distancing requirements (more gazebos and benches are being sourced). Respect others’ space and do not place your belongings on top of theirs. Dispose of any rubbish in the correct place or take it home with you.
Following safe-distancing rules will help keep the Pond open this winter.
The Ladies’ Pond continues to be closed due to a further incident of water contamination over the weekend involving elevated E-Coli levels. This may be linked to wash-off of contaminated soil by heavy rain this weekend in the area where the original sewage leak was discovered and repaired. The pond will remain closed until the City of London receives satisfactory water test results.
In the meantime, a women-only session will be available at the Lido from 1.30 pm to 4 pm. Pond-only season tickets will be accepted for entry here. In addition, mixed swimming remains available at the Mixed Pond during normal opening hours.
The most recent contamination incident is reported today in Ham & Highhere.
PS: City of London Update – Lord Lisvane’s report published recently, which recommends the abolition of many of the City of London Corporation’s committees (including those linked to Hampstead Heath), is reported here in Camden New Journal.
Unfortunately the Ladies’ Pond was closed today (4 October) due to recent poor results from water quality tests (E-Coli). We are awaiting further news from the City of London but it will not be possible for the pond to re-open until satisfactory test results are received.
We are also awaiting news of alternative swimming arrangements, though the Mixed Pond will be available during normal opening hours for mixed swimming.
If you have swum since the pond re-opened on 26 September 2020 and experienced any ill-effects which might be linked to this continuing problem, please inform Hampstead Heath Management at:
The Heath Superintendent Bob Warnock has informed us that the Ladies’ Pond will reopen from 7am on Saturday 26 September 2020.
The opening times will be as follows:
– Kenwood Ladies’ Bathing Pond 7am-4.30pm (vacate by 4.45pm)
– Highgate Men’s Bathing Pond 7am-4.30pm (vacate by 4.45pm)
– Hampstead Mixed Bathing Pond 7am-4.30pm (vacate by 4.45pm)
– Parliament Hill Lido 7am-1pm (vacate by 1.30pm)
They are still awaiting the results of the testing undertaken by Thames Water. The Environment Agency also collected samples from the Ladies’ Pond and these results are expected by Monday.
Detailed water quality test results for all three ponds can be seen here.
Meanwhile the KLPA has raised concerns directly with the City of London about the frequency of testing and when Heath managers became aware of the sewage leak. Any comments which you have on the frequency of tests and the results should be sent to:
In other news – the KLPA has just received a copy of a report into governance of the City of London Corporation, written by Lord Lisvane and due to be considered by the City in the coming months. Amongst other things it recommends the abolition of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods & Queen’s Park Management Committee as well as the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee. Decisions would in future be taken by a single Open Spaces Committee governing all of the City’s open spaces in and around London. More information to follow.
We have just received a further update from the City of London concerning the sewage leak, the continued closure of the Ladies’ Pond, alternative swimming arrangements and applications for season tickets.
The sewage blockage has now been cleared and the water quality test results are being monitored to determine when the Ladies’ Pond can re-open. As it is currently not clear how long this will take, from Monday, Ladies’ Pond swimmers can use either the Mixed Pond or the Lido.
The Mixed Pond will be open 7am-4.30pm for mixed swimming and ladies’ only swimming between 4.45-6.30pm.
The Lido will be open 7am-1.00pm for mixed swimming and ladies’ only swimming between 1.30-4.30pm.
Currently these arrangements will be in place until Friday 25 September. If the Ladies’ Pond is able to be opened before that, the Winter Season hours and arrangements will be reinstated. Should the Ladies’ Pond be closed past Friday 25 September further arrangements will be considered.
Staff will be at the Ladies’ Pond to inform swimmers of the closure, to advise about alternative swimming arrangements and to hand out season ticket wristbands.
Due to the COVID-19 secure arrangements in place at the Men’s Pond, ladies will not be permitted to swim there.
In relation to season tickets – from Monday swimmers can make paper applications at the Ponds, the Lido and the Parliament Hill Office. Swimmers can make cash payments for their season ticket at the Lido. Card payments will be taken at the Parliament Hill Office and the Lido.
Swimmers applying at the Bathing Ponds will be contacted by a member of staff to make a phone payment in due course. Swimmers are asked to bring along a copy of their supporting information when applying for a concession or free Morning Swim season ticket.
The paper application form can also be used to apply for a free Accompanying Carer season ticket. Swimmers who apply for their season tickets online can email for information on how to obtain a free Accompanying Carer season ticket.
On Sunday afternoon we will be joining Forum ‘71 and the Hampstead Men’s Pond Association (HMPA) to protest against the new enforced charging regime. This event, whilst following Covid- secure guidelines, will also be a social one with an opportunity to share ideas.
Please come and join us – wear a brightly coloured swimming cap if you have one, bring paper-chains two meters long and placards – the theme is ‘locked out’. This will be an inclusive, enjoyable, safe event that will hopefully have some impact.
The schedule is as follows:
2 – 3pm: Several groups of a maximum of six people each, led by members of HMPA, KLPA and Forum ’71, will share information on what has happened to date: –
A presentation of the survey findings (you can read them here).
A talk about canvassing, HMPA history and future events.
A presentation of the Forum ’71 manifesto.
An explanation of the Forum ’71 approach.
Media articles.
A brief history of KLPA and the action over the past few months.
3 – 3.30pm: We will encircle the Pond, staying two metres away from each other and divided by ribbons or paper chains. We will then pose for the press photographer!
The Ladies’ Pond is currently closed due to a blockage in a sewer that runs across the Heath, causing a sewage leak within the woodland north of the Pond meadow.
Thames Water have been on-site and are currently jetting the blocked sewer working from the Stock Pond. The Conservation Supervisor was also in attendance and the Hampstead Heath team have promised to keep us informed as the work to unblock the sewer progresses.
This afternoon independent water testing for both the Ladies’ Pond and the Men’s Pond took place but it takes 48 hours to obtain the results. Unfortunately the Ladies’ Pond will not be able to be reopened until Thames Water have resolved the sewer leak and have received the results of the water quality test results.
Cancelled sessions from today have already been refunded. Tomorrow morning the pre-booked sessions for Saturday and Sunday will be refunded.
The Heath team say that they are working hard to minimise the disruption and inconvenience to swimmers.
The City of London has agreed its proposed measures for charging and management of the Ponds for the winter season. (KLPA members have previously been sent a summary of these proposals.)
Online pre-booking of swims, will end on 21 September 2020. The City argued it was necessary to control numbers during the summer season when the ponds re-opened following the COVID-19 lockdown. They believe the reduced swimmer numbers during winter will be easier to control on a one-in-one-out basis.
The controversial “Option 3” to enforce charges will be introduced in full, collected either through season ticket payments or day charges (£4 full price and £2.40 concession). In addition to contactless payment cash payment is being maintained for the time being using the old contribution posts.
Season tickets will take the form of electronic wristbands to be scanned on the way in. Existing season ticket holders will be sent their wristbands and sales of new season tickets will resume in time for the winter season until late October before handover to the Winter Swimmers’ Club.
The telephone “support line” (020 7332 3779) will remain open 9 -11 am on weekdays for those who do not have internet access to purchase season tickets.
The “Support Scheme”, replacing the planned Hardship Fund, was approved. There was some acknowledgement that the list of benefits for concessions was out of date.
Free swim sessions for under 16s and over 60s from 7.00-9.30 am were agreed, though there was some acknowledgement that the timings may be problematic e.g. pressure when other swimmers are heading for work, and it clashes with times for free travel for older swimmers.
Our campaign against the enforcement of inflated charges continues. The KLPA is liaising actively with several local MPs who are supportive and is working with solicitors Leigh Day to identify potential discrimination claims.
An excellent summary of our reasons for opposing the new charging regime can be seen here in an email exchange initiated by former KLPA Chair Nicky Mayhew, ahead of the Management Committee meeting.
On Monday 14 September 2020 at 5-6pm, local newspaper Ham & High is holding an online Question & Answer session with Anne Fairweather (Management Committee Chair) and City of London officers Colin Buttery and Bob Warnock. This will be about the new charging regime and management of the bathing ponds. Details of how to register and submit a question can be foundhere. Please contact