It is not only on Hampstead Heath that access to open water swimming is being restricted.

Grantchester Meadows in Cambridge, which features in the KLPA book “Wild Swimming Walks” has been used to access swimming in the River Cam for centuries. Famous swimmers here include Lord Byron, Virginia Woolf and Rupert Brooke. 

The land is owned by King’s College Cambridge, which is now seeking to ban swimming and other popular activities here. The reasons given include health and safety as well as public order.

A petition seeking to “Keep access to the river at Grantchester Meadows open to all” has been launched on here. Already there are over 17,000 signatures. 

Further coverage can be seen here (Guardian, no paywall) and here (Telegraph, paywall). Local press coverage includes details of a spoof letter purporting to be from the college here.

This is a valuable open space for the people of Cambridge, not only those linked to the university. Please show solidarity and support this campaign for inclusive access to open water swimming.


On 1 July two items appeared in the national press concerning the legal action being taken against the City of London Corporation, and the KLPA’s campaign against the new charging regime at the bathing ponds.

Guardian journalist Lucy Campbell has written about the legal challenge supported by the KLPA (here) and the wider issues of exclusion at the bathing ponds since the introduction of the new charging regime (here). 

The KLPA also continues to try to engage with the City about difficulties experienced using the Eventbrite booking system and seeking to increase the use of capped free flow instead for the time being. The ultimate aim is the removal of such restrictions when the easing of social distancing requirements allows, other than the normal maximum bather load. The booking system is an unnecessary cost for Hampstead Heath, which will be passed on to swimmers in due course, and it creates a two-tier system. It is often fully booked within minutes each Monday, but on cloudy days no-shows are frequent. We receive regular feedback from members concerning the distress this causes, despite the existence of a telephone booking line (020 7332 3779) for those who lack internet access. In the morning, on busier days, it has also been a source of friction when women are still lined up outside waiting to enter as the free flow session comes to an end and pre-booked session commences.

If you have not already seen it, our most recent KLPA Newsletter is here, with news of the legal challenge and much more.

Details of our crowd funding appeal for the legal action can be seen here.


Photo – Sarah Saunders

It is 150 years since the Hampstead Heath Act of 1871 was passed in order to protect this valuable green space, close to central London, from commercialisation and development.

The KLPA would like to mark and celebrate this 150th anniversary of access to common land, at the Ladies’ Pond, in a myriad of different ways once the easing of Coronavirus restrictions allows us to do so. This is an opportunity to celebrate access to common land and for our swimming community to have some fun after an incredibly difficult year.

Please send us your thoughts and ideas so we can start making tentative plans.  What do you think would be a fitting way to mark this anniversary?  Please email with your ideas.

And please donate to our campaign to raise the costs for a Judicial Review.  We are challenging the City of London over the current charging regime at the bathing ponds, which we believe has a disproportionate impact on swimmers with disabilities and some older swimmers.  We are working with Leigh Day Solicitors to launch a claim based on indirect disability discrimination.  Click HERE to see details of the campaign and how you can donate.


The Hampstead Heath, Highgate Wood and Queen’s Park Management Committee is meeting virtually on Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 4 pm.  The public gallery can be accessed online here. The full agenda pack with supporting documentation can be downloaded here.

Items of particular interest to KLPA members include:

  1. Item 10 (Appendix 8) – Proposed Terms of Reference for The Sports & Wellbeing Advisory Forum here. This was discussed at the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee on 19 April 2021 (here). They expressed concerns about the size and unclear remit of the new body and it being chaired by the same person who chairs both the Management Committee and Consultative Committee, rather than by a lay member like the current Sports Advisory Forum.  Will the Management Committee consider these issues?
  2. Item 11 – Hampstead Heath Bathing Pond and Lido Annual Report 2020-21 here.  This includes reference to free swimming for under 16s and over 60s to remain before 9.30 am and the very limited progress towards a “Support Scheme”, which still appears to be at the talking stage. There is also a brief mention of the letter before action sent by Leigh Day Solicitors on behalf of the KLPA.

With reference to the final point, the KLPA has recently launched a crowdfunding page with Crowd Justice and needs in the first instance to raise £5000 before the fundraising can go further. This is to launch a Judicial Review against the charging regime at the bathing ponds, based on indirect disability discrimination.  Thank you to all the generous people who have donated so far.  If you have not yet done so and you are able to make a donation, please do so by by clicking the donate button below:

If you have already donated, you can still help by spreading the word, via email, social media and, of course, word of mouth.  Please help us to get to our initial target of £5000.  The link to share is


Following the partial lifting of Coronavirus restrictions from 17 May 2021, and continuing pressure from the KLPA, the City of London is making some changes to swimming arrangements.  There is still a long way to go but this is the most recent news:

  • From 18 May 2021 the capped free flow hours (no need to book online) will be expanded to 7.00 am – 10.30 am (last entry 10 am) and 5.00 pm – 8.30 pm (last entry 8 pm).
  • Booking through Eventbrite will still be necessary for swimming between 11 am and 4.30 pm based on the following time slots (with closure periods for cleaning) – 11 am to midday, 12.30 pm – 1.30pm, 2 pm – 3pm, 3.30 pm – 4.30 pm.
  • The maximum number of swimmers who can be at the Ladies’ Pond at any one time is due to be increased and we are awaiting details.
  • Women and girls who are non-swimmers can continue to access the upper meadow without paying, subject to the maximum capacity numbers at the Ladies’ Pond.
  • The City of London may re-open the changing rooms from 21 June 2021, if public health restrictions continue to be lifted on schedule.

The following issues remain to be resolved:

  1. There are currently no plans to make additional showers available and we believe that just one outdoor shower during the summer months is entirely inadequate.
  2. The City still plans to employ stewards at the gates even when Coronavirus restrictions have, hopefully, been lifted from 21 June 2021.  This is intrusive and not consistent with the decision on charging taken at the Management Committee on 11 March 2020.
  3. We believe that, on quieter days, it should be possible to turn up and swim between 11am and 5pm with payment accepted at the gate by cash or card, rather than having to book via Eventbrite.
  4. We are awaiting an update on access for swimmers under 16 at the bathing ponds and we look forward to welcoming girls and teenagers back to the Ladies’ Pond. 
  5. We are asking for the large black lockers placed on the path near the changing rooms to be removed as they appear to serve no useful purpose, but reduce available space.
  6. Various temporary signs at the gates tell swimmers what they must or must not do. Following the lifting of remaining public health restrictions we believe this area should see fewer and more welcoming signs.

If you feel strongly about any of these issues please email the City of London via the following email addresses:

Please copy to


Press coverage of our legal challenge to the City of London’s charging regime can be read here:

Ham & High 6 May 2021
Camden New Journal 7 May 2021
Evening Standard 7 May 2021

The campaign also featured in ITV and BBC London News on 6 May.

In addition a swimmer’s letter to Camden New Journal on 6 May 2021 highlighted ongoing problems with the City of London’s online booking system for the Ponds. Further correspondence in the Ham & High letters page of 6 May 2021 highlights the lack of democratic control over Hampstead Heath.


Mary Powell (KLPA Vice Chair) with Ann Griffin (KLPA member and claimant) at the Ladies’ Pond back gate

The KLPA, working with Kate Egerton at Leigh Day solicitors, has sent a letter before action to the City of London, challenging the discriminatory effects of the enforced and increased swimming charges. This is the first stage of a process which may lead to a judicial review of the current charging regime.

KLPA member Ann Griffin, who is registered blind, is a party to this action. The KLPA alleges indirect disability discrimination due to the disproportionate impact of the new charging regime on people with disabilities.  It is also alleged that the new charges interfere with swimmers’ human rights given the history of the bathing ponds and their health benefits.

In the letter before action we have asked for:

  • Day tickets to revert to £2 (full price) and £1 (concession)
  • Free access for swimmers on benefits and low income
  • Free swimming for those under 16 and over 60 at any time of day

Early press coverage of this action can be seen here in Ham and High. It was also reported this morning on BBC London News, initially at 6.27 am. This was followed by a longer item on ITV London News, at 6.15 pm, in which KLPA Committee member Ann Griffin was interviewed. The Leigh Day press release of 5 May 2021 can be seen here.

The City of London has responded to the letter before action, denying any illegality.  Following further consultation with our solicitors at Leigh Day, we will keep members updated.


We have just been informed that online booking to swim at the Bathing Ponds and Lido will resume from 1 May 2021, with the exception of the earliest and latest sessions each day:

  • 07.00 – 10.00 free flow (last entry 09.30)  
  • 10.30 – 11.30 pre book 
  • 12.00 – 13.00 pre book 
  • 13.30 – 14.30 pre book 
  • 15.00 – 16.00 pre book 
  • 16.30 – 17.30 pre book 
  • 18.00 – 20.30 free flow (last entry 20.00)

The booking link for the City of London/Eventbrite is here. Tickets will be released on Eventbrite on Monday at 12 noon for the week ahead, except for the first three days (1 to 3 May 2021) which will be released on Friday 30 April at 12 noon. 

A telephone booking line is available for swimmers who have no internet access or who find this system difficult to use at 020 7332 3779 (Monday to Friday).  Please forward this information to any swimmer you know who may prefer to book by phone.

Covid-secure measures will remain in place for the time being, with a maximum capacity of 60 swimmers at the Ladies’ Pond, and the requirement to provide contact details when you arrive for test and trace purposes.

We had hoped there would be greater use of “capped free flow” (no need to book) through the summer months, to preserve greater spontaneity for swimmers.  If you feel strongly about this and would like to give feedback to the City of London, please do so via the email addresses below.  Some thoughts which you may wish to refer to are attached here, but please personalise your response if possible:

Please copy to


The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee takes place on Monday 19 April 2021 at 5.30 pm. This meeting can be viewed on line here.

The full agenda pack can be downloaded here. Items of particular interest are:

  • Item 5 and items 7c to 7d – minutes of the Sports Advisory Forum and feedback on the proposed Terms of Reference for a new Sports & Wellbeing Advisory Forum with which to replace this forum.  
  • The Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee agenda pack omits detailed feedback on the above item provided by the KLPA on 22 March 2020 which can be seen here.
  • Items 7f and 7g cover The City of London Corporation’s review of the 2020/21 swimming season and feedback from the swimming associations including the KLPA.
  • The KLPA response has been partly redacted in the published committee papers in respect the costs of the first disastrous online booking platform used last year. For the record it cost £4,134 and was scrapped after a few days; that money would have paid for over 1,700 concessionary swims at £2.40 last summer.

The next meeting of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee will be on Wednesday 26 May 2021 at 4 pm and in due course details will be available here.

Recent press coverage concerning the re-opening of the ponds and restrictive access can be seen here in the 1 April 2021 edition of the Camden New Journal. 

The 15 April 2021 letters page of Ham & High includes further correspondence challenging the figures used by the City of London in March 2020 to justify inflated and enforced swimming charges.