Many thanks to everyone who braved the risk of coronavirus to attend the AGM last Friday night. Once we were quorate (which nearly didn’t happen) we were able to hold elections for the committee and officers, details of which are set out below. We also thanked three committee members who stood down: Julia Dick (co-chair), Suzanna Dolata (newsletter editor) and Valerie Doulton, for bringing their many talents and great energy to the KLPA.
We went on to have a lively discussion about the City’s plans to enforce charging and increase prices from 2 May, during which many members expressed their shock and sadness about the threat to the ethos and atmosphere of the Ladies’ Pond (and by implication the other ponds) and the impact on many swimmers. We will be in touch with all members soon about the next steps.
The following were re-elected to the committee: Nicky Mayhew (chair), Ruth Hallgarten (vice-chair), Alison Assiter (treasurer), Pauline McCullough and Opi Bell (joint secretaries), Nicole Colombo (who will take over from Ruth as membership secretary), Lucy Zanetti and Vicky Joseph (joint newsletter editors) and Amanda Faber. Newly elected members are Mary Powell (who returns to the committee after a well-earned rest from it), Beth Feresten, Pauline Latchem and Harriet Wills.
And finally, thanks to the patience of Suzanna Dolata, who has edited the KLPA newsletter with such skill for the last ten years, the Spring Newsletter, her final edition, is now available for download. In the time since it was written the public health emergency has escalated, but we hope you will still find it interesting and Suzanna has asked me to pass these words on to all members:
‘I’ve enjoyed editing the newsletter for the past 10 years and many members have told me that they really enjoyed reading it. In the process I learned a lot and had fun! But everything must come to an end so Vicky Joseph and Lucy Zanetti are taking over from me. They will need the stories of your swimming adventures (and much more) so please keep sending them in. Thank you for your support and kind words over the years – it meant a lot! Special thanks go to Jane (Shallice) who encouraged me to take the newsletter editing in the first place. See you at the Pond, and keep safe!’ Suzanna xx
Best wishes and good health to you all,