This is an update on proposed price increases for 2023/24. At its last meeting with the swimming associations in December 2022, the City revealed plans to increase most charges on the Heath, including those for swimming, by 5% in the next financial year (details here). Whilst this is less than the current inflation rate, it still represents another significant price rise after several years of such increases, including disproportionate increases for concessionary tickets since 2020.
The KLPA and the other swimming associations were invited to submit their written comments in time for the next meeting of the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee which takes place at 17.30 hrs on Monday 16 January 2023. The KLPA response is attached here. A link to the online public gallery for the Consultative Committee meeting on 16 January 2023 is here.
The Consultative Committee’s deliberations will be fed back to the next meeting of the Hampstead Heath, Highgate Woods and Queen’s Park Management Committee on 8 February 2023, at which any decisions about the charges for 2023/24 are expected to be finalised.
Further updates will follow.
Following pressure from the public and campaign groups Thames Water has finally launched a real time interactive map showing discharges of sewage into our rivers.
Their area stretches from Gloucestershire to Essex, so if you are planning to take a dip in any rivers which might be affected by foul water discharges from storm overflows, please take a look at this map first. Recent press coverage can be seen here and here.