We have been advised of the following details concerning access to the Public Gallery on 23 and 24 February 2022, to watch the Judicial Review proceedings to challenge the charging regime at the Hampstead Heath bathing ponds:
Where: Royal Courts of Justice, Strand, London WC2A 2LL (map here)
Court Number: 76
Public Gallery Capacity: Approx 50 (accessible courtroom and further information about accessibility is here.)
Hearing Sessions: 23 February 10.30 am to 1 pm and 2 pm to 4.30 pm. 24 February 10.30 am to 1 pm.
Security: Please allow approx. 30 minutes to clear security before entering the courtroom.
Online Access: This is only available in exceptional circumstances to members of the public who are unable to attend a court hearing in person. To request an individual link to watch the hearing, please email the court directly (email address here). This link must not be forwarded to anyone else and it is illegal to broadcast a hybrid hearing in any way using this link.
Please be aware that members of the public who access the public gallery will be expected, as far as possible, to stay seated for the 2.5 hours of each session, and observe in silence. If you are attending court, you will be expected to wear a face covering, unless exempt. More information about what to expect in the court building can be seen here.
The Judicial Review will focus on the specific issues of alleged disability discrimination rather than the wider principles of charging to swim on Hampstead Heath. The hearing will be focused on detailed legal arguments.
A lot of work has been put into this case by the KLPA, Kate Egerton and the legal team at Leigh Day, Zoe Leventhal QC and her team at Matrix Chambers, and of course claimant Christina Efthimiou. We would like to thank everyone who hascome forward to help and to pledge financial support for this legal challenge.
Supporters are invited to assemble outside the court on 23 February 2022, from 9.15 am for a photo opportunity and potential press coverage, even if you cannot commit to attending the hearing. The KLPA banner will be present as a focal point and supporters are invited to bring their own home made banners on the theme of inclusion and fair access. However please be aware you may not be able to take these banners into the court building.