All members of the KLPA, HMPA, MPA, Highgate Lifebuoys and USA were invited to an emergency meeting on 26 February 2020 to discuss the City of London’s proposals for managing the swimming ponds from 2 May 2020. A summary of the proposals, which will be considered by Hampstead Heath Consultative and Management committees on 9 and 11 March respectively, can be viewed here.
The meeting was attended by 103 members in addition to speakers from the HMPA, KLPA and MPA and the chair of the Winter Swimming Club and Heath and Hampstead Society who acted as moderator.
Following a lively exchange of views, the following motions were put to the vote and agreed by a majority of those attending: –
- We oppose enforced charging on principle BUT we are willing to commit to encouraging a culture in which payment of current charges or contributions is normal and easy to do.
- We are willing to work with the City to develop systems and communications that enable those who wish to pay to make voluntary payment or contributions, including buying season tickets.
- We believe that, even with concessions proposed by the City, compulsory charging will have a disproportionate impact on disadvantaged and vulnerable people and will exclude minorities.
- We support the lifeguards and Heath staff and believe they will suffer undue workplace stress under the City’s preferred options. The only way to move forward and preserve the unique ethos and environment of the Ponds is for the City to work with the swimmer groups.
The KLPA prefers Option 1 but is willing to support Option 2.
Those who feel strongly about this may wish to send comments on the proposals to the City of London at: hampstead.heath@cityoflondon.gov.uk.