On Saturday night the Prime Minister announced a second lockdown in England with effect from 00.01 hours on Thursday 5 November 2020, lasting until at least Wednesday 2 December 2020. Further details are awaited and it is not yet clear what the impact will be on the Hampstead Heath bathing ponds. Yesterday the City of London tweeted a holding announcement here.
The current government guidance is here, setting out a broad outline of which businesses and activities can remain open or must close. Outdoor swimming, whether in open water or lidos, is not specifically mentioned and more information is to follow. The gov.uk website goes on to say that “a full list of the business closures will be published and set out in law.”
We understand that Heath managers will be considering that more detailed information in the next day or two before making any announcements. As soon as we know more, KLPA members will be informed.
Access to swimming is important to us all, and if the ponds have to close again many of us will miss the benefits of swimming outdoors during such a difficult time. However, the bathing ponds are also a workplace and we must be mindful of the health, safety and welfare of frontline Heath staff.
As soon as any more news becomes available KLPA members will be updated.