The Ladies’ Pond continues to be closed due to a further incident of water contamination over the weekend involving elevated E-Coli levels. This may be linked to wash-off of contaminated soil by heavy rain this weekend in the area where the original sewage leak was discovered and repaired. The pond will remain closed until the City of London receives satisfactory water test results.
In the meantime, a women-only session will be available at the Lido from 1.30 pm to 4 pm. Pond-only season tickets will be accepted for entry here. In addition, mixed swimming remains available at the Mixed Pond during normal opening hours.
The most recent contamination incident is reported today in Ham & High here.
KLPA updates can be seen here: @KLPA1985
City of London updates can be seen at @CityCorpHeath
If you experienced any ill-effects which might be linked to this continuing problem, please inform Hampstead Heath Management at:
Please copy to klpamailbox@gmail.com
PS: City of London Update – Lord Lisvane’s report published recently, which recommends the abolition of many of the City of London Corporation’s committees (including those linked to Hampstead Heath), is reported here in Camden New Journal.