You may be aware that the City of London, which manages Hampstead Heath, is currently reviewing its management of the swimming ponds. This includes the possibility of increasing charges and enforcing payment which has, until now, been ‘self-policed’. The KLPA is aware that there are varied views amongst swimmers about charging arrangements: from those who believe that swimming in the ponds should remain free, to others who routinely and willingly pay to swim. To inform our discussions with the City we would like to capture the opinion of our members on key issues. The KLPA is mindful of wishing to ensure that swimming remains accessible and affordable for everyone who wishes to visit the ponds. Current charges can be found on the Hampstead Heath website here. Please note that the City has not yet indicated by how much they would increase charges in either the short or long term. Please help us to respond to the City of London by completing the survey here by no later than 10.00 on Wednesday, 19 February. It should take no longer than two minutes and your replies will remain anonymous. Thank you. |