From time to time we need to “take the temperature” from our 700+ members and so we recently sent out a succinct and focussed survey to help understand priorities for the coming year. We asked about continuing to campaign against the City of London’s charging regime now and in the future.
The results of this survey were:
Total Responses: 171
1. In favour of continuing the current campaign against charges: 81.9%
2. In favour of campaigning against future price rises and restrictions: 94.7%
3. Those who responded expressed a preference for campaigning activities such as signing a petition (26%), peaceful protest (21%) and writing to or lobbying elected representatives (16.3%).
We received 12 additional responses, either in the “other” field of question 3 or as emails sent separately. Views here included working with other swimmers’ associations and community groups (including those beyond the Heath), greater community participation in running the ponds and exploring legal challenges to the charging regime, including on grounds of discrimination .
The KLPA has been working closely with the other Heath swimmers’ associations and seeking legal advice on potential claims. The suggestion that we work with other swimmers’ groups beyond the Heath is certainly worth exploring. Please let us know if you have any useful contacts and can assist with developing those links.
Many of you over the last year have said that you object to the level of the charges and the methods of enforcement, but not in principle to those who can afford it paying a reasonable amount. This has been the line taken by the KLPA in supporting “Option 2”. We have campaigned to prevent the exclusion of those who cannot pay the new charges (details are on our website here and here).
Thank you all for your input and continued enthusiasm.
There is still time to enter! Details here.
The KLPA stall will be back at the pond on 19 December 2020 (10 am to midday). Come along to show your support and buy your KLPA mugs and hi-viz hats.