It is 150 years since the Hampstead Heath Act of 1871 was passed in order to protect this valuable green space, close to central London, from commercialisation and development.
The KLPA would like to mark and celebrate this 150th anniversary of access to common land, at the Ladies’ Pond, in a myriad of different ways once the easing of Coronavirus restrictions allows us to do so. This is an opportunity to celebrate access to common land and for our swimming community to have some fun after an incredibly difficult year.
Please send us your thoughts and ideas so we can start making tentative plans. What do you think would be a fitting way to mark this anniversary? Please email klpamailbox@gmail.com with your ideas.
And please donate to our campaign to raise the costs for a Judicial Review. We are challenging the City of London over the current charging regime at the bathing ponds, which we believe has a disproportionate impact on swimmers with disabilities and some older swimmers. We are working with Leigh Day Solicitors to launch a claim based on indirect disability discrimination. Click HERE to see details of the campaign and how you can donate.