We are writing to inform you about the arrangements for the 2022 AGM of the Kenwood Ladies’ Pond Association. This year we will be holding the meeting in person at:
The Highgate Literary & Scientific Institution
(11, South Grove, Highgate, London N6 6BS)
Sunday 20 March 2022 at 3 pm
Followed by shared buffet until 5pm
At this meeting we will provide an update on the Association’s activities during the previous year and hear your views on priorities for the forthcoming year. We hope to have news of an outcome from the Judicial Review by this date. At the AGM our annual accounts will be put to the meeting for approval and Committee members elected for the following year.
If you are interested in standing for the KLPA Committee, please complete the attached nomination form (here), counter-signed by two other KLPA members who are nominating you. You must all be fully paid-up members completing the form. This can be returned by email as a scanned document to klpamailbox@gmail.com. Ours is an active campaigning Committee and we encourage new members who can help to ensure that it is representative of the pond community.
At the AGM, we will also present an updated draft of the KLPA Constitution, which would require a two-thirds vote of those present to be accepted. The current Constitution is here and the proposed update (with amendments highlighted) is here. The Constitution was last reviewed in 2013.
Any additional resolutions need to be submitted in time to be circulated to members at least 14 days before the meeting, as required by our current Constitution.
If you are an annual member of the KLPA please remember to renew your membership which is still just £5 per year. This entitles you to participate in the AGM, as well as receive regular updates and newsletters from the KLPA, including details of our social and campaigning activities. Ways to pay for your membership are detailed below.
At the last in person AGM in 2020 it was not possible to hold our usual shared buffet, and the 2021 AGM was carried out by remote means due to public health restrictions in force at the time. This year we are pleased to be able to invite members to bring food to share after the business of the meeting is completed, and the KLPA will be providing hot and cold drinks.
We have just set up an online option to pay for your membership by credit or debit card using “Member Mojo” and a link is on our website home page. You will be able to use this to pay for annual or life membership.
Alternatively, you can pay for your membership in person at the AGM (cash or cheque), or via bank transfer using the bank details on our Membership Form. If you use bank transfer please use your surname as a reference and send a screenshot of the payment confirmation by email to klpamailbox@gmail.com so that we can identify your payment.
The bank details can also be used to set up a yearly standing order (using your surname as reference), or you can choose to become a life member for £125 (or £80 if aged 65+).