One week into lockdown, winter swimmers are missing regular immersion and all of us are wondering when we will be able to return to the Pond. For anyone wanting to remind themselves of the joys of pond swimming, Curzon Home Cinema is offering the opportunity to view The Ponds film at home.
The current health crisis will, understandably, dominate the news agenda over the coming weeks, but the City of London’s plans for the ponds continues to attract media coverage, most recently in the Weekend Telegraph.
Although we won’t cull anyone who hasn’t paid from the membership list while the crisis persists, today is officially the last date by which memberships should be renewed for 2020-2021. You can download a membership form which gives details of how to do it.
FINALLY: please remember to email us if you are isolated at home and in need of practical or moral support; a number of members have generously offered to assist and we will try to match you with someone close at hand who can help.
We hope you remain safe and well at this challenging time.