On 1 July two items appeared in the national press concerning the legal action being taken against the City of London Corporation, and the KLPA’s campaign against the new charging regime at the bathing ponds.
Guardian journalist Lucy Campbell has written about the legal challenge supported by the KLPA (here) and the wider issues of exclusion at the bathing ponds since the introduction of the new charging regime (here).
The KLPA also continues to try to engage with the City about difficulties experienced using the Eventbrite booking system and seeking to increase the use of capped free flow instead for the time being. The ultimate aim is the removal of such restrictions when the easing of social distancing requirements allows, other than the normal maximum bather load. The booking system is an unnecessary cost for Hampstead Heath, which will be passed on to swimmers in due course, and it creates a two-tier system. It is often fully booked within minutes each Monday, but on cloudy days no-shows are frequent. We receive regular feedback from members concerning the distress this causes, despite the existence of a telephone booking line (020 7332 3779) for those who lack internet access. In the morning, on busier days, it has also been a source of friction when women are still lined up outside waiting to enter as the free flow session comes to an end and pre-booked session commences.
If you have not already seen it, our most recent KLPA Newsletter is here, with news of the legal challenge and much more.
Details of our crowd funding appeal for the legal action can be seen here.