We are about to update the membership list and will be holding this information on our new online system “MemberMojo“.
MemberMojo is a UK based company which is GDPR compliant. It will be used by the KLPA to maintain membership records in one secure place, and this company will not send you marketing emails or sell on your data.
Many members have joined or renewed using this system already. Existing members who are life members, or who pay by bank transfer/standing order will have their details transferred here too so that all data is held securely in one place. By using MemberMojo we aim to avoid holding different parts of our membership data in different places.
Next March, annual members will start to receive renewal reminders via MemberMojo with a link to use to pay for their 2023 membership. This will also encourage all members to align their renewal date with our membership cycle of 1 April to 31 March. Whilst you can continue to renew your membership using bank transfer or cash payment, we hope that most members will opt to renew via MemberMojo next year. If you do so but have previously paid by standing order, please remember to cancel your standing order in time so that you do not pay twice! You do not need to have access to internet banking to renew via MemberMojo as this is done through card payment via the secure payment system “Stripe”.
If you are a life member you should not receive any reminders from MemberMojo but we will use this system to maintain our records of your membership.
Membership Privacy Notice
IMPORTANT: By providing this information you agree to the KLPA storing your details and contacting you when we have information to communicate. We will NOT share your data with any other organization or individual other than to carry out our core functions, for which we currently use the following external services: MemberMojo to administer your membership details, and Mailchimp to send communications to you by email.