As summer approaches and the evenings draw out it will soon be time for another KLPA newsletter to appear, as if it were a part of the pond ecology.
The popularity of the KLPA Newsletter is down to the creative contributions we receive from members like you. If you would like to contribute to the summer newsletter, please send your original work for inclusion by 5pm on Sunday 12 June 2022.
Wondering what to send? How about an account of a new swimming place which you have discovered in the UK or beyond, or of another swimming group which you have met when out on such adventures. Do you have an original poem or artwork to contribute? Have you been involved in campaigns to support access to open water swimming places, or efforts to combat the pollution of these places? If so, we would love to include these accounts in the newsletter, with supporting images.
Please email your contributions to klpamailbox@gmail.com by 5 pm on Sunday 12 June 2022.